corporation "Tianshi"
is based in 1993, the charter capital makes 800 million.
$. On development of the Russian market the corporation
has secured(discharged) 200 million. $. In Russia the
corporation "Tianshi"
is officially accredited since March 6, 1999.
The corporation "Tianshi"
is potent group of firms of an international scale. The
headquarters е ё is in capital of Peoples
REPUBLIC of CHINA city Pekin, street a CONTAINER -
АН, building HENDY.
The manufacturing capabilities(production facilities)
are located on eastern coast(littoral) of China in city
in 50 kms from main headquarters of the company in
Pekin. The company has fine geographic arrangement
friend for a stable production activity and developed
system of the communications(service lines) and
transport.The manufacturing
capabilities(production facilities) are in ucinskoi
to a zone on mining and intrusion of new technology, in
also takes the area 68 000 кv.м
on the general(common) area for building - 120 000 sq.m.
- this many-sided manufacturing frame, she is engaged in
scientific minings, commercial production and trade,
its(her) capital already has reached(achieved) more than
1 mlrd.
In corporation "Tianshi"
enter more 10 of branches: the main
company of economical development "Tianshi";
limited liability company of bioengineering "Tianshi";
the company under the real estate "SHENSHI";
the transport company "FREISHI";
advertising agency "HUAE";
university "Tianshi"
and other.The founder of corporation "Tianshi",
mister of Lie Din
in 1993 has put forward main idea of firm: " To
bear health to mankind to serve to company ". Not
feeling sorry money resources the patent of modern
technology on extraction of biological organic calcium
was purchased. Were secured(discharged) 20 million. uan on building of manufacturing capabilities(production
facilities). Thus, the main leg of effecting of
corporation "Tianshi"
- company "Tianshi"
of bioengineering was built. She and international
company of development in Hongkong have created the
company of bioengineering "Tianshi"
limited with the general(common) capital.In July, 1995 the company "Tianshi"
of bioengineering has entered the new form(shape) of
trade - way of a straight line of implementation. The
income of the company on a straight line of
implementation began to grow fast and was increased in
some times. The annual proceeds in 1996 was 630 million.
and by 1999 the income of the company already has
reached(achieved) 2,12 mlrd.uan.
The company "Tianshi"
to this time already had The
army in 3 million. The person. Thus, the miracle in a
history of world(global) business was built.The company "Tianshi"
of a beginning awakely to create research and
experimental centers, where the activity on an
improvement of the quality of production and creation of
new kinds(views) of production is permanently conducted.
Applying new technology and equipment, the company began
to make production of production, multilateral nature.
Three large manufacturing frames were as a result of
which derivated: on effecting biopharmaceutical
production with improving properties, detergent and
cosmetic means.The company "Tianshi",
using modern technology on extraction of biological
organic calcium, receives by the way of extract organic
calcium from a natural product. For increase of a factor
of calcium the vitamins D, And, With, iron and set of
other nutrient materials are added. The company on the
basis(fundamentals) of the scientifically reasonable
prescription, has elaborated and the alimentary
component enriched by dietary calcium (Са)
makes the whole series with improving properties with
non-proprietary name -. These alimentary components not
only are rich by a member of calcium, but also is easily
acquired, because the nutrient members are multilateral.
They can very effectively adjust(regulate) all functions
of a human body, as helps us to receive good result ins
of area of strengthening of health. Some namings of
products already have received endorsement of the
American organization FDA and were marked by many
international premiums.The company "Tianshi"
with the purposes of a repletion of wants of
miscellaneous groups of the people has elaborated the
whole series of the alimentary components with enriched
calcium: a dietary feed(meal,power) with the heightened
contents of calcium specially for the people which are
suffering affliction calcedifficit;
the alimentary component with enriched calcium it is in
powder form for the people which are suffering
affliction by Diabetum; the alimentary components with
enriched calcium specially for children, which one help
them to grow and to develop; the alimentary component
enriched by calcium regular style, which one can use
all; dry milk enriched by calcium and other calcevie
the alimentary components.Corporation "Tianshi"
using the high technology of bioengineering and
knowledge of Chinese medicine, which one have more fifesousand
a history, has elaborated effective means of improving
property - all this is a lien of successful activity of
During constant development of
corporation "Tianshi"
the system of education of staff(frames) and control by
them was designed. "Tianshi"
is very severe falls into to activity on training of
personnel and presents to the employees the stringent
requirements. All this is done(made) that each link of a
manufacturing organism worked maximum effectively. For
the distributors the company "Tianshi"
has elaborated a comprehensive and many-sided system of
training of personnel. Since familiarization with firm
up to the guideline on application of production, from a
way of management of marketing activity up to a
psychologic condition, from the theory before practice,
the company "Tianshi"
helps the distributors to increase the proficiency,
helps them in business of dilating of network marketing
and step by step conducts to success.The corporation "Tianshi",
applies the off-the-shelf computer facilities,
accumulates all data of the distributors, stores archive
stuffs and with it provides to all links on effecting
and implementation of production of a condition for
their effective work. The company "Tianshi"
conducts the stringent control behind quality of
production, all technology necessarily should
correspond(meet) to the international standards, she
carries out(conducts) stringent expertise and quality
check of the goods.
"Tianshi" has elaborated
for the distributors a preferential system of reward.
Strictly abiding the scheduled installations on reward
and, using modern computer facilities, statistics about
outcomes of activity of each distributor is conducted,
and the reward is given to them always in time.The company puts forward(extends) and
tenders the people organizing own business remarkable
idea " to bear health to mankind, to serve to
company ". To make itself able-bodied is only first
step leading to a ultimate goal sincere to serve to the
people.The company "Tianshi"
for the outstanding distributors with the purposes of
reward purchases flats or automobiles of the elite
marks.The special feature of the schedule
of development "Tianshi" are all new, fair,
exact, logical. With this schedule the company has left
on the world(global) market, she strictly
executes(designs) all obligations to the distributors.
The company and the distributors together create an
able-bodied household activities and achieve successes
in activity.The corporation "Tianshi"
likes the business and feels the responsibility for all
of us. The company is no single-pass recognized, as firm
high-level cultures, with forward effecting and as the
standard tax bearer.The company with
to company conducts the business and practical
operatings helps the people. In miscellaneous times the
company already has sacrificed 110 million. uan on building of schools, to the aid of the invalids and
needy, on liquidation of consequences of natural
disasters. The corporation has secured(discharged) more
than 70 million. uan
on building of industrial - commercial institute "Tianshi"
in ucinskoi
to a zone on mining and intrusion of new technologies in
city Tianczine and more than 5 million. uan for creation national mean and elementary schools "Tianshi".
She has secured(discharged) 8 million. uan
for building center - training "Tianshi"
in Tibet and for boring wells in spigot products of
desert(waste) of a province Sinzian
PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA. In 1998 at unknown in a
history of China inundation the corporation has
secured(discharged) 22 million. uan for purchase of the indispensable goods,
clothes(clothing), foodstuffs and stuffs on building of
houses for the population, locales damaged from a
disaster(distress).The company "Tianshi"
always returns the liking heart to the people, for what
has received a high estimation and care on the part of
the chiefs of the state and enormous support of company.For tachyauxesises of corporation and
the installations of contacts with international
business were built department on international
development and research center on development of firm
"Tianshi".Now corporation already in 23
countries a pattern has filed the trade-mark and in more
10-ти countries, including USA, Japan,
Canada, Southern Korea and other locales, has founded
the companies on implementation of production. The
industrial complex, built in America, "Tianshi"
and large pharmaceutical factory completely have begun
the effecting and already operate.The corporation "Tianshi"
gives to mankind huge achievements in the field of
strengthening and guarding(preservation) of health,
stored Chinese people during several millenaries. We
invoke everything, to be aggregated and joint efforts to
create the nonpredatory, fine future, where all people
will be able-bodied and will achieve good successes in
the business.