The corporation "Tianshi"  wishes to you success

Main page

About corporation

Our production


Titles of honour


The price-list


The terms

The contact information



The founders

The founders

The awards of corporation

 "tianshi" in Russia



The founders of corporation TIANSHI are Academy of medical sciences (Tibetan mud formulation) and government of Peoples REPUBLIC of CHINA. The president of the company "TIANSHI" - Lie of Dynes Uan, recognized person not only in China, but also in a pattern. In 1998 the company has received the main premium " Advance in health of mankind " from international organization of public health services. The name of the president of Lie of Dynes Uan was written to the book of the United Nations " the Known people a pattern ".


Copyright  2001 "Tianshi"

design by Mr.Flipman

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